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Mtech Projects in Bangalore

Matlab Simulink Projects,MuPAD,Matlab PID Controller Projects,Matlab Fuzzy Logic Projects,Matlab Image Processing Projects.


1.A 1.65 W Fully Integrated 90 nm Bulk CMOS Capacitive DC–DC Converter With Intrinsic Charge Recycling
2.A Comparison of Soft-Switched DC-to-DC Converters for Electrolyzer Application.
3.A High-Efficiency Solar Array Simulator Implemented by an LLC Resonant DC–DC Converter.
4.An Advanced Power Electronics Interface for Electric Vehicles Applications.
5.Control Strategy for Power Flow Management in a PV System Supplying DC Loads.
6.High Boost Ratio Hybrid Transformer DC–DC Converter for Photovoltaic Module Applications.
7.High-Efficiency Single-Input Multiple-Output DC–DC Converter.
8.Microfabricated V-Groove Power Inductors Using Multilayer Co–Zr–O Thin Films for Very High-Frequency DC–DC Converters.
9.Nonlinear Current Control for Power Electronic Converters: IC Design Aspects and Implementation.
10.Soft-Switching DC/DC Converter With a Full ZVS Range and Reduced Output Filter for High-Voltage Applications.
11.PWM Plus Phase Angle Shift (PPAS) Control Scheme for Combined Multiport DC/DC Converters.
12.Module-Level DC/DC Conversion for Photovoltaic Systems: The Delta-Conversion Concept.
13.Integrated Full-Bridge-Forward DC–DC Converter for a Residential Microgrid Application.
14.High-Efficiency Digital-Controlled Interleaved Power Converter for High-Power PEM Fuel-Cell Applications.
15.Design and Performance of a Bidirectional Isolated DC–DC Converter for a Battery Energy Storage System.
16.An Integrated Boost Resonant Converter for Photovoltaic Applications.
17.A High-Efficiency Wide-Input-Voltage Range Switched Capacitor Point-of-Load DC–DC Converter.
18.A High Step-Up Three-Port DC–DC Converter for Stand-Alone PV/Battery Power Systems.
19.A Bridgeless Boost Rectifier for Low-Voltage Energy Harvesting Applications.

Matlab Projects: http://www.projectsatbangalore.com/Matlab.html
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