Mtech Projects in Bangalore
Matlab Simulink Projects,MuPAD,Matlab PID Controller Projects,Matlab Fuzzy Logic Projects,Matlab Image Processing Projects.
1.Bridgeless SEPIC Converter with a Ripple-Free Input Current
2.A Generalized MPC Framework for the Design and Comparison of VSI Current Controllers
3.Dual voltage regulations of single switch flyback converter using variable switching frequency
4.Design and Analysis of Robust Active Damping for LCL Filters using Digital Notch Filters
5.High-Efficiency Portable Welding Machine Based on Full-Bridge Converter With ISOP-Connected Single Transformer and Active Snubber
6.An Average Input Current Sensing Method of LLC Resonant Converters for Automatic Burst Mode Control
7.High efficiency and high density rectifier with GaN HEMT
8.Investigation and Suppression of Current Zero Crossing Phenomenon for a Semicontrolled Open Winding PMSG System
9.A Digital Current Control Technique for Grid-Connected AC/DC Converters Used for Energy Storage Systems
10.Designing Inverters’ Current Controllers With Resonance Frequencies Cancellation
11.An algorithm to analyze circulating current for multi-phase resonant converter
12.Optimal Design of ?40-kV Long-Pulse Power Supply
13.Dynamic Modeling and Control of Self-Oscillating Parallel Resonant Converters Based on a Variable Structure Systems Approach
14.A novel 10kW hybrid converter for the electric vehicle charge applications
15.Resonant Power Converters: An Overview with Multiple Elements in the Resonant Tank Network
16.A Family of DC Transformer (DCX) Topologies Based on New ZVZCS Cells with DC Resonant Capacitance
17.PWM and PFM Hybrid Control Method for LLC Resonant Converters in High Switching Frequency Operation
18.Self-Oscillating Resonant Converter with Contactless Power Transfer and Integrated Current Sensing Transformer
19.Investigations on LVAC architectures of diesel electric propulsion based marine vessels for improved power quality and reliability
20.Multiple-output boost resonant inverter for high efficiency and cost-effective induction heating applications
21.Dynamic optimum dead time in piezoelectric transformer-based switch-mode power supplies
22.Control method for increasing efficiency of current-fed isolated bi-directional dual half-bridge converter using resonant switch
23.Half-bridge LLC resonant converter design with GaN HEMT
24.Switch operation power losses of quasi-resonant pulse converter with parallel resonant circuit
25.High gain efficient DC-DC converter for low-voltage power generation application